STRATEGIC PLANNINGIf you don’t have a strategy and a plan, you’ll end up where you are heading. Ian Mathieson Ian is committed to utilizing all the potential of the strategic planning and business planning processes to build business outcomes and long-term business success. This requires rigour as the most frequently-followed path limits opportunity rather than creating it. It’s too easy to start with a big, impressive and challenging goal and then devise strategies to follow-through and manage achievement of that goal. Success in strategic planning starts with a picture, a vision, and intent; it’s an envisaging process. Strategic planning then examines options for achieving that vision, it’s also an envisaging process. When the optimal strategy is identified, goals can be set to translate the vision into reality. With the application of analytical and logical processes; goals then inform business planning processes which provide the guide to action for management. Strategic planning naturally segues into two complementary elements – first, scenario or ‘blue sky’ thinking which creates the vision then, second, distinct processes to select the optimal scenario. Business planning is mostly an analytical process which granulates from the vision through goals into actions which are manageable, accountable, reportable and able to be delegated. Ian’s expertise in strategic and business planning has been developed in over twenty years activity in this area of consultancy across a terrifically diverse range of businesses and organizations including not-for-profits. T: +61 411600712 E: W: |